Guidance services
Our guidance counsellor, Mister Troy Gratton, is available to answer your questions on the following topics:
- Identifying the student’s interests, abilities, personality characteristics and values so as to advise his or her parents on the ways to support their child in defining and completing his or her education and guidance project;
- Exploring programs so as to prepare scholarships, reports cards and admission applications for post-secondary establishments;
- Careers, employment market, language stays and internship programs;
- Enrollment and steps to reach their academic or professional goals;
- Strategies to keep the student motivated and help him or her to be more successful at school.

Our guidance counsellor visits the schools about once a week. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any question or wish to make an appointment.
Mister Troy Gratton
Educational technology
- Each classroom is equipped with an interactive whiteboard (IWB) that allows teachers to organize dynamic, playful and interactive activities with their students, as well as showing several appropriate media and resources;
- At the elementary level, Mac computers and iPads are available .
Other Services
The school follows the Alberta curriculum from Kindergarten to Grade 6. The school also has a preschool.
Le Réseau – Special needs
Réseau provincial d’adaptation scolaire offers special education services at our school, for instance speech therapy or psychology.
A piano teacher can come and teach at the school if parents are interested in enrolling their children (for a fee).
Physical activity
During the school year, our students go to several outings promoting physical activities, for instance swimming and skating.
Club Moo
We belong to Club Moo, a program that encourages children to drink milk. The school sells milk at cost to parents who are interested in this program for their children.
We offer hot lunches for free daily thanks to the Alberta Nutrition Program.
We encourage students to read at home thanks to the Scholastic Reading Club.